Renewing Cheque


    Paying by Cheque

 Annual subscriptions run from 1st January to 31st December inclusive. Be aware that this is for the year starting on January the first and not for twelve from when you join. If you join part way through the year you are still required to pay for the whole year's subscription

An additional item of information that we need to satisfy the Insurance people is your date of birth which is requested on the form below.

To make sure that you provide us with all the information we need we have a form that you may print out. Click HERE and the name of the file will appear at the edgeof your screen. Click (or double click) on the file name and a Word document will appear which may be printed out in the usual way.

If you don't have a printer then send a letter with your cheque to :-

                      Mr R Stowe, 32 Clifford Road, Droitwich, WR9 8UR.

In the letter please list :-

  • Todays date
  • Your full name
  • Your address
  • Your telephone number/s
  • email address
  • Your date of birth

Please make the cheque out to :-  Izaak Walton Angling Society

Annual Subscription is                £45.00

Concessionary Subscription      £33.75

Concessionary rate (75% of full subscription) available after 10 yrs continuous membership  and a minimum age of 65

Junior (18 or under on 1st Jan)    £5.00

Salmon permit add £6.00 (To any of the above who wish to fish for salmon)