
Breaking news - Gudgeon back in the Teme - see Latest News

Welcome to the

Izaak  Walton Angling Society website

Downstream from Ham Bridge

Ed Brady with a barbel between 8 and 9 pounds caught in the Bream Hole (Peg 6) at Tenbury


Tenbury new water. Click to get full size on Slider

Thank you for visiting the site. Take a look at what's been happening recently on Latest News and Pictures and see what is coming on Fixtures. Let me know about typos (when did they stop being called "spelling mistakes"), misguided links, sliders that don't, images that refuse to enlarge and all the other things that go wrong with websites. I will be delighted to correct it as it is proof that somebody has actually read something on  the site. A warming experience.    Lance    jlanceburton@protonmail.com 

Discarded line must  be taken home

If you have to discard some line or if you find some discarded line on the bank or bushes collect it up and take it home to dispose of in the bin as it is a threat to wildlife. Also we have had instances at Wicken's Pool where discarded line has become entangled in the mowing machine. The volunteer who mows the grass says that if people can't be bothered to collect up their discarded line he isn't prepared to carry on mowing it.

One of the features of the fishing at Wicken's is the lawn which surrounds the pool so that in wet weather we may fish without  ending up covered in red marl and in dry weather covered in ants. Show your appreciation of the work done to create such lovely surroundings by collecting up any litter or (especially) discarded line so that we can continue to fish in luxurious surroundings

Help  I'm a self taught amateur webmaster doing this because no-one else will. Any member that would like to take over will be warmly welcomed. I'm a desktop man so any advice on size of headings or size of text or choice of font that doesn't come over well on a smart phone will be gratefully accepted.. Pedants welcome. jlanceburton@protonmail.com  


Mr R H Stowe

32 Clifford Road





Mr J L Burton

Angle House

Pentrosfa Crescent

Llandrindod Wells

Powys LD1 5NW
