Izaak Walton Angling
About Us # Constitution
Welcome to the Izaak Walton
We are mainly pleasure anglers but we do have competitions between ourselves which are (sometimes) fiercely contested. The main objective is enjoyment but times are adhered to and weights are accurate. There are several cups and trophies at stake - but no money!
You may see the fixtures and results of the competitions under the various heading. The results should reassure you that the competition is not too fierce and we welcome you to come along and join in. Just bring all your gear and bait along as for a normal days fishing and get there about 40 minutes before the start time. We meet in the car park for a natter and then set of about half an hour before the start time to decide where to fish. We do not have pegged competitions so a few practice sessions might give you a good start for picking where and how to fish.
In addition to the waters controlled by the Society we have several visits each year to a private beat on the upper Wye containing trout, grayling and chub.
The Society is properly constituted and the Rules comprehensive. For those interested or for those occasions when they need to be consulted they are available by clicking on the relevant headings at the top of this page.
Most of the photos will respond in some way to clicking on them and some of the larger ones are sliders. These are a stack of images. Move the cursor to half way down the side of the image and a pointer should appear. Click on that and another image slides into view, and so on. (Please bear with me if you have known all this for years. I know a fair amount about fishing but not much about web browsing. I have been given the job of building this website and am constantly surprised at what it does. If you spot any errors let me know or if you have any photos relating to the Society or its fishing send them to me at jlburton@protonmail.com )